I've been over-riding that body wisdom again for awhile. Body says, take a break from the coffee. Brain says, COFFEEEEEE. Body says, run some miles so I can SWEAT. Brain says, stay right here curled up on the couch, there's homework to do. And 'round and 'round they go. So, I'm writing about it as an act of intention, and putting it out there. I'm going to follow the body wisdom for awhile, put the over-ride function "to pasture" as my Grandfather would say, and get right inside. One of my friend has blazed the trail this week, inspiring me to do the same.I have a book on Ayurveda that I was reading last night to help my momentum of heeding the body's call. For a chuckle and a little inspiration, check yourself:
Suggestions for a creative, healthy life
Ayurveda - Awaken before sunrise
Me - when will i sleep then :-(
Ayurveda - Evacuate bowels and bladder after awakening
Me - Everyone do that so m i..i don't lay golden eggs out of it
Ayurveda - Bathe every day to create a sense of bodily freshness
Me - what do you think, i don't bathe at all ??
Ayurveda - Twelve pranayamas in the morning or evening create freshness of mind and body
Me - :-|
Ayurveda - Do not take breakfast after 8:00am
Me - then what shall i take after 8:00am ?
Ayurveda - Wash hands before and after eating
Me - Oh ! i never wash hands after eating, i nurture my hair with them
Ayurveda - Brush teeth after meals
Me - what is case of 15 small meals a day ?
Ayurveda - Fifteen minutes after meals take a short walk
Me - burrrrrp !
Ayurveda - Eat in silence with awareness of food.
Me - :-X
Ayurveda - Eat slowly.
Me - Ok! i will keep a stop watch next time.
Ayurveda - Each day massage the gums with the finger and sesame oil
Me - Chewing Gum will work ?
Ayurveda - Fast one day a week to help reduce toxins in the body
Me - I don't believe in starvation.
Ayurveda - Sleep before 10:00pm
Me - he he he he ! what a joke !
from Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
I'm afraid ....of myself !!

What are you afraid of?
Getting shot. Never getting rid of my insecurities. Never becoming successful. Never becoming rich.
What are you afraid of?
Letting people know what i'm afraid of. Really letting them get into my head. My soul. Knowing me.
What are you afraid of?
Always being afraid. Never becoming un-crippled.
What are you afraid of?
Remaining positive to the point of delusion. Becoming negative to the point of not being able to recognize what's positive anymore.
What are you afraid of?
Floating. Constantly floating with no anchor. Fleeting moments of happiness punctuating a wall of perpetual sadness.
What are you afraid of?
......yourself ??
Thursday, April 28, 2011
You cannot find the end, no matter how you try..
It's an unfinished life that I find lies before me
An open-ended dream and I don't want to wake
I've crossed so many rivers in search of crystal fountains
I've found the truest paths always lead through mountains
I've seen water on the sky, and fire burning on the lake.
You said to me, "I cannot make you happy.
Like a wounded bird, you must find the strength to fly.
Time can paint the treetops with colors of the rainbow
But you cannot find the end, no matter how you try."
It's a journey with my soul that I am taking.
One that only goes from the cradle to the grave.
Going 'round in circles like painted dancing horses
Up and down we ride on the wooden courses.
And light from a lover's eyes is all that I can save.
You said to me, "I cannot make you happy.
Like a wounded bird, you must find the strength to fly.
Time can paint the treetops with colors of the rainbow
But you cannot find the end, no matter how you try."
So I’ll take the day and run out across the open fields
Where the grass grows high and the shadows fall
Where my eyes can see all the colors in the air
So quiet that the wind whistles in my hair
And takes the rising dust and carries it away.
You said to me, "I cannot make you happy.
Like a wounded bird, you must find the strength to fly.
Time can paint the treetops with colors of the rainbow
But you cannot find the end, no matter how you try.
An open-ended dream and I don't want to wake
I've crossed so many rivers in search of crystal fountains
I've found the truest paths always lead through mountains
I've seen water on the sky, and fire burning on the lake.
You said to me, "I cannot make you happy.
Like a wounded bird, you must find the strength to fly.
Time can paint the treetops with colors of the rainbow
But you cannot find the end, no matter how you try."
It's a journey with my soul that I am taking.
One that only goes from the cradle to the grave.
Going 'round in circles like painted dancing horses
Up and down we ride on the wooden courses.
And light from a lover's eyes is all that I can save.
You said to me, "I cannot make you happy.
Like a wounded bird, you must find the strength to fly.
Time can paint the treetops with colors of the rainbow
But you cannot find the end, no matter how you try."
So I’ll take the day and run out across the open fields
Where the grass grows high and the shadows fall
Where my eyes can see all the colors in the air
So quiet that the wind whistles in my hair
And takes the rising dust and carries it away.
You said to me, "I cannot make you happy.
Like a wounded bird, you must find the strength to fly.
Time can paint the treetops with colors of the rainbow
But you cannot find the end, no matter how you try.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thoughts To Share..
I can't believe that almost a month has slipped by without doing much productive. Goes to prove how much free time I schedule. Or how much brain activity is left at the end of the day.
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I took a critical thinking math class in college and one of our first assignments was to write a paper on "thinking." It was a broad topic and didn't really have an outline. We just went at it. Whatever we wanted to write and research about thinking found its way into that assignment. I'm a thinker. Not always in a positive way, and it leads me to over analyze situations (which I then further analyze) at times. And one time when we were little my best friend got upset with me and told me that I think too much. I still haven't forgotten that one. Still wonder if I think too much.
I have waaaay to many thoughts to sit down and share, so here's a little glimpse of what's been consuming my thought life of recent:
...pretentious people.
...quiet times in the morning.
...harboring bitterness in my heart.
...putting off sin and putting on righteousness.
...thankfulness for the good people in my life.
...what it truly means to be a good human being.
...this temporal life.
...finances and money.
...time management.
...speaking only half-truths.
...balance in professional and casual business relationships.
...bugs (yes, insects. They're so cool).
...my room partner's wedding.
...personal acts of worship.
...submitting to God's will, practically.
...submitting to authority, even when I don't agree.
...undermining, subliminal effects of our government.
...giving up coffee, even though I only drink decaf.
...whether or not to give up running after the next race.
...how thankful I am to not be a kindergarten teacher.
...sonu ( my pet dog who is resting in peace now )
...how to make life more simple.
...ustad sujaat khan sahab and his dedication for sitar.
...what really matters.
...how fearfully and wonderfully we have been created.
...all the craft ideas that are in my brain.
...what to name my design label.
...certain friends from my past.
...why I care so much about aesthetics and the way things look.
...why I am intimidated by a certain administrator.
...making friendships significant and intentional.
...how to get away from the noise in pune to have a decent quiet time.
...using resources wisely.
...learning to speak Spanish more effectively.
...what I really desire.
...what God is calling me to right here and right now.
...how incredible my parents are.
...how incredible are other parents too..
...all the knowledge around me and how to best take advantage of it.
...waking up early tomorrow for the sake of class.
...how abnormality creates more room to direct others toward supreme power.
...among a host of other things.
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I took a critical thinking math class in college and one of our first assignments was to write a paper on "thinking." It was a broad topic and didn't really have an outline. We just went at it. Whatever we wanted to write and research about thinking found its way into that assignment. I'm a thinker. Not always in a positive way, and it leads me to over analyze situations (which I then further analyze) at times. And one time when we were little my best friend got upset with me and told me that I think too much. I still haven't forgotten that one. Still wonder if I think too much.
I have waaaay to many thoughts to sit down and share, so here's a little glimpse of what's been consuming my thought life of recent:
...pretentious people.
...quiet times in the morning.
...harboring bitterness in my heart.
...putting off sin and putting on righteousness.
...thankfulness for the good people in my life.
...what it truly means to be a good human being.
...this temporal life.
...finances and money.
...time management.
...speaking only half-truths.
...balance in professional and casual business relationships.
...bugs (yes, insects. They're so cool).
...my room partner's wedding.
...personal acts of worship.
...submitting to God's will, practically.
...submitting to authority, even when I don't agree.
...undermining, subliminal effects of our government.
...giving up coffee, even though I only drink decaf.
...whether or not to give up running after the next race.
...how thankful I am to not be a kindergarten teacher.
...sonu ( my pet dog who is resting in peace now )
...how to make life more simple.
...ustad sujaat khan sahab and his dedication for sitar.
...what really matters.
...how fearfully and wonderfully we have been created.
...all the craft ideas that are in my brain.
...what to name my design label.
...certain friends from my past.
...why I care so much about aesthetics and the way things look.
...why I am intimidated by a certain administrator.
...making friendships significant and intentional.
...how to get away from the noise in pune to have a decent quiet time.
...using resources wisely.
...learning to speak Spanish more effectively.
...what I really desire.
...what God is calling me to right here and right now.
...how incredible my parents are.
...how incredible are other parents too..
...all the knowledge around me and how to best take advantage of it.
...waking up early tomorrow for the sake of class.
...how abnormality creates more room to direct others toward supreme power.
...among a host of other things.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Come Back Please..

Melly come back.
I want you back.
Why did you have to go.
It's just not the same without you.
Nothing is fine, I am left all alone.
It makes me sad every time i think about you.
Stella is always crying.
She's always yelling too.
She makes me cry too a lot but not as much as you.
I'm always thinking about you.
Your always making me teary-eyed.
I miss you melly why did you have to go.
I miss you a lot but you obviously don't know.
Otherwise you wouldn't have had to go.
God makes me mad because he took you away.
It's hard not to cry when i miss you but i do it anyway.
Every time I'm all alone and i have time to think.
I think about you and i cry and cry and cry.
Some people think "oh you should be over this"
But then i think to myself you don't know how it feels to be in this pain
or to how hard it is to make it go away.
People around me try to help me but they don't help at all.
My head hurts all the time, especially when I'm about to cry.
Its hard to type down these words as tears blur up my eyes.
When i try to speak about you i choke and then i start to cry
I miss you melly why did you have to go.
Please please please come back..I am all alone here, without you.
Or just take me with you !
Want to live life the way i wanted to...
Things I have done in my life so far..
* Been the good student
* Rebelled against parents
* wished for vengeance
* Ratted out cheaters
* Been a hypocrite
* Read fewer books than wanted
* Fought over silly things
* Loved more than life
* Cried more than worth
* Done more than possible
* Worked harder than needed
* Patronized where not needed
* Helped those who wanted
* Listened and judged at times
* Wronged and righted it out
* Accepted defeat and moved along
* Taken for granted
* Left alone in my bad times
Things I want to do...
is to live my life the way i wanted to...
* Been the good student
* Rebelled against parents
* wished for vengeance
* Ratted out cheaters
* Been a hypocrite
* Read fewer books than wanted
* Fought over silly things
* Loved more than life
* Cried more than worth
* Done more than possible
* Worked harder than needed
* Patronized where not needed
* Helped those who wanted
* Listened and judged at times
* Wronged and righted it out
* Accepted defeat and moved along
* Taken for granted
* Left alone in my bad times
Things I want to do...
is to live my life the way i wanted to...
I am surrounded...
By pinned up photos of familiar, favorite smiles
A few quotes to keep me inspired
Dusty Desktop
Bright colors
Post It notes
Dirty coffee mugs
Scattered intentions & shattered hopes
Lost Souls & confused minds
Distractions & Failures
High Expectations getting failed
Dreams that won't quit & won't fulfill
Memories that kill
Wishful thinking
Numbered days that keep ticking by...
A few quotes to keep me inspired
Dusty Desktop
Bright colors
Post It notes
Dirty coffee mugs
Scattered intentions & shattered hopes
Lost Souls & confused minds
Distractions & Failures
High Expectations getting failed
Dreams that won't quit & won't fulfill
Memories that kill
Wishful thinking
Numbered days that keep ticking by...
My anger

Anger is a dangerous emotion. It can stay bubbling under the surface, threatening to burst out. It can be so overwhelming that you literally go insane from the feeling. I've been so angry sometimes that I felt like i would explode. But i don't think anger is a dangerous emotion because it makes you do things you wouldn't normally do. Lots of emotions do that. It's the fact that sometimes it stays buried so deep that you don't even know it's there. And then one day, it springs up on you.
I've been shocked by my anger many times. That buried anger seems to me the start of psychopath behavior. When you smile and look calm on the outside but you're really sharpening knives in your mind. You can't bring it up, because you're probably angry about an incident that has passed. Something you should be 'over'. So you live with it, pretend it doesn't exist. Live with it in the hope that it would dissapear.
But what if it doesn't? What happens when you explode?
Friday, April 22, 2011
Because there's a bigger aim ....

Patience is the first step on the path of wisdom. Patience is the only step on that path. The ability to stop when you're angry and not react off that emotion. The ability to assume there's another side to the story. The ability to just wait until a viable solution to a problem comes up. Patience. I don't have it. At all. I am very very impatient. Sometimes I get so angry, my hands shake...I feel like I can see the anger. The literal red anger cloud in front of my eyes and I yell so loudly and cry and react. I feel like I HAVE to react.
I'm an eternal pessimist. Instead of projecting good and positive, I spend time imagining how bad anything can go and how painful it would be.
I want to be patient. But how? Lately i feel like i'am a little more patient. I feel like I want to say something, but I hold it off till it doesn't seem quite so important to say it anymore. My tongue must be filled with the scars of biting my tongue.My chest dark from all the negative emotion I've been suppressing. But it's ok because there's a bigger aim here.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Change is good, Change is necessary !!

The problem with changing yourself or elements of yourself to suit someone else is that you're always left with a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction. There's also the tendency to think you can do more, change more, be more tolerant- if you've already changed a little, it's hard to start drawing the line for when it crosses into a lot.
Don't get me wrong: Change is good, Change is necessary, it's human, life. It has to happen and we should all try to change for the better. However, change always has to be for you. Once you start changing for anything other than the fact that YOU want to change, it becomes hard to remember what your principles are... the elements of yourself that make you look into the mirror everyday.
Often people tell me i'm complicated. Hard to read or understand. My best friend the other day said 'you're odd'. I'm socially awkward and toe the line between being too honest (aka, kinda rude) to being very tactful (aka fake laughter, uninterested agreement). I often feel like I have to go one step forward to present myself in a way that is more relatable, less hard to reach. I want to present myself as a plated meal instead of one that you have to put into the microwave, and definitely not one where you actually have to put the ingredients together and cook.
But the truth is, I AM ingredients. The beauty of that is that loads of people can put it together and end up with different results and what's more fascinating than that? Why do i constantly find myself trying to figure out what combination works best for what person. What part of myself to take out, what part to put more of? Does this pressure even come from outside or is it some internal pressure i'm going to have to live with forever? Am i going to spend my life darting between trying too hard- changing too much, or not trying at all?
On some days, to some people...I don't even know if the part i'm playing resembles me at all.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Fish Head & Flowers !

I am depressed. And its really sucks..
Right now I feel like I could sleep forever.
I am mollified to know that the past couple of weeks of feverish stomach infection days have an explanation.
Fish Heads: To the doctor who diagnosed me in 5.8 seconds with stomach infection on call only... without doing a test, and got me to take antibiotics (which I found out later I am allergic to...).
Flowers: To the nice doctor who asked me to get certain tests done, and discovered that I actually having food poisoning.
Fish Heads: To the cars that don't slow down whilst driving through puddles. I like taking showers, just not from the spray of your speeding vehicle.
Flowers: To the tentative arrival of spring.
Fish Heads: To all those people in my life who are so selfish that they don't give damn to anyone's good work or mine.
Flowers: To the my dear ones who brings me chocolates, good food and lots of happiness.
Fish Heads: To the people who think i am useless, who think i am an experimental monkey and try to put their idiot ideas in my veins and expect me to functional absolutely like a new car engine.
Flowers: To the compassionate coworkers who care about my well-being and force me to go to the clinic when I have a hideous looking rash.
Fish Heads: To the pathetic people with double faces
Flowers: To the empathetic family who loves me even though they forgot to tell me that I have bad time right now as per their astrologer ( although i don't believe in astrology )
Fish Heads: To all those self pro-claimed gurus who think they are the best and their ideas rule the world.
Flowers: To my grocery keeper who advised me to drink herbal tea in morning for keeping better mood and appetize
Fish Heads: To all those people who always rely on wrong person and close their eyes on better ones.
Flowers: To having a weekend off to sleep and read, and reflect on the beauty and joy in life
Monday, April 18, 2011
Why ?? and i know his answers !

I guess everyone knows the feeling of having planned things and then suddenly, something comes up and everything crashes down.
it's saddening. disappointing. it's like a dream,or a nightmare, that you'd want to escape and wake up from.
You have that feeling of wanting to go back to the time when everything was still set.... you just wanna hold on. but you can't. maybe i just can't. maybe it's not just meant to be. or what.
These are the times when confusion strikes. cliche. these are the times when you literally don't know what to do and you can't do anything but hope for the best.
I ask God why. and i know that His answers...and plans... are far more perfect than the ones i have set for myself. sometimes i ask, why let me taste the cheese? when He knows that frail as i am, i have indulged and thrown myself into it completely... and then pull the cheese away? but of course, God is good because He chose me to have the cheese even for a while.
Cheese is not really a good term. i am not a mouse to be exact or the term "cheese" underlies what could have been.
I am really baffled right now by the situation. but maybe this is not so bad after all. maybe i am really meant to stay here. or not. i don't know. maybe it is still too early to think about these things. maybe there are still other ways. God, what do You plan for me? i know that is great and i am excited for that. please let me understand. please.
Yes i am baffled. but i am not worried. i am sad but i am not in despair..
Things will change and my course of direction can also change. but i know that God is with me and He will direct me.
I am fortunate to had taste of good life and to have that momentary period when i thought i can change everything in an instant. but maybe God is waking me up, waking everyone up... that after all, He is still the one in control. He is still the one who knows what's best. God is good and never will He forsake anyone.
Yes my plans are not happening as what i have thought of them to be. but maybe a little chaos can beautify things. What do i want? what is essential? God, i know You have plans. i trust You. that is why i will let You decide.
God please enlighten me..
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I just needed someone to talk to...

I try to breathe
Memories overtaking me
I try to face them but
the thought is too
Much to conceive
I only know that I can change
Everything else just stays the same
So now I step out of the darkness
That my life became 'cause
I just needed someone to talk to
Everyone is just too busy with themselves
No one is there for me to
Express how I felt
I just stuffed it down
Now I'm tired and I feel like
I could let some of this anger fade
But it seems the surface
I am scratching
Is the bed that I have made
So where were you all
When all this I was going through
No one ever took the time to ask me
Just what you could do
I only know that I can change
Everything else just stays the same
So now I step out of the darkness
That my life became 'cause
I just needed someone to talk to
Everyone is just too busy with themselves
No one is there for me to
Express how I felt
I just stuffed it down
Now I'm tired and I feel like
I could let some of this anger fade
But it seems the surface
I am scratching
Is the bed that I have made
Friday, April 15, 2011
There for me...
I woke up this morning with an enormous urge to read some small poems from " Short Poems Of Sarah & Jones " inspite of my hustle bustle i managed to read one very sweet and touching poem..I would like to share it with you all...
There for me...
There for me, every time I've been away
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say
Will you be there for me?
Just think of you and me, we could never tow the line
It's such a mystery just to hear you say you're mine
And while you're close to me, so close to me
Just hold me
When you're feeling cold and all the city streets are grey
Walking all alone and watching how the children play
Voices in the wind and faces from the past go dancing by
They're asking why
Will you be there for me, everytime I go away
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say
Will you be there for me?
And while you're close to me, so close to me
Just hold me
Can you really want me more than for a little while?
What are the stories hiding there behind your smile?
Wishes in a dream and figures in a world that I could share
And everywhere
Will you be there for me
Will there ever come a day when all the world can see
Things were meant to be that way
Will you be there for me?
Can you hear the people say
That you're just
There for me
There for me
There for me...
There for me, every time I've been away
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say
Will you be there for me?
Just think of you and me, we could never tow the line
It's such a mystery just to hear you say you're mine
And while you're close to me, so close to me
Just hold me
When you're feeling cold and all the city streets are grey
Walking all alone and watching how the children play
Voices in the wind and faces from the past go dancing by
They're asking why
Will you be there for me, everytime I go away
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say
Will you be there for me?
And while you're close to me, so close to me
Just hold me
Can you really want me more than for a little while?
What are the stories hiding there behind your smile?
Wishes in a dream and figures in a world that I could share
And everywhere
Will you be there for me
Will there ever come a day when all the world can see
Things were meant to be that way
Will you be there for me?
Can you hear the people say
That you're just
There for me
There for me
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Important Teacher....
I think of myself as someone who does relationships fairly well. I share deep, caring relationships with my friends and family. I have a wide circle of Tribe.
I have one area of weakness though, and that is with people who lack the conventional sense of boundaries. Rrrrrr. Boundary issues. It is a life-long lesson.
Usually it's fine. People act in an appropriate way. Relationships are respectful, feeding both parties the goodness that friendship should provide. Once in awhile, I get into a friendship with someone who soaks up alllll that I give, and is left wanting....and chastises me for it....AND, slow to come to any concrete conclusions about this, I only recognize what's going on when I find myself exhausted, frustrated, hurt, and my give tank is on empty.
Unfortunately, it's happening with someone right now. I need to establish some rules of the game for my own mental health. I hate when this is necessary, but it is something I need to practice so.....bring it. And may I learn this lesson. I want to learn how to walk around with my boundaries in-tact and be quick to recognize when they've been crossed, and to have the words, right then and there to rectify the situation. It's the second and third piece of that which I need to practice. Wisdom and grace come with time and experience.
And so it is that (not for the first time in my life) I come to realize that this person who is causing me grief, has guided me straight to an area of weakness in myself, and is thus an important teacher.
I have one area of weakness though, and that is with people who lack the conventional sense of boundaries. Rrrrrr. Boundary issues. It is a life-long lesson.
Usually it's fine. People act in an appropriate way. Relationships are respectful, feeding both parties the goodness that friendship should provide. Once in awhile, I get into a friendship with someone who soaks up alllll that I give, and is left wanting....and chastises me for it....AND, slow to come to any concrete conclusions about this, I only recognize what's going on when I find myself exhausted, frustrated, hurt, and my give tank is on empty.
Unfortunately, it's happening with someone right now. I need to establish some rules of the game for my own mental health. I hate when this is necessary, but it is something I need to practice so.....bring it. And may I learn this lesson. I want to learn how to walk around with my boundaries in-tact and be quick to recognize when they've been crossed, and to have the words, right then and there to rectify the situation. It's the second and third piece of that which I need to practice. Wisdom and grace come with time and experience.
And so it is that (not for the first time in my life) I come to realize that this person who is causing me grief, has guided me straight to an area of weakness in myself, and is thus an important teacher.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Let me off this thing "
When I was little, I loved that kite flying feeling, the g-force playfully pulling, the exquisite dizziness afterwards of the merry-go-round. The only time I didn't like it was when I suddenly wanted off. Those few moments of having to wait for things to slow down and stop were...well, not so fun.
These days I am on a metaphorical crazy round round and I'm having that "let me off this thing" feeling. I'd rather be sitting with my feet dangling off and pushing myself ever so softly along, nice and slow. Instead, the deadlines stand alongside me, pushing me faster and faster, my eyeballs are beginning to knock together. Financial aid application + taxes, mock up exam sheets, and my appointments with doctor are all due in the early part of this week, and like a test of strength, I'm in an emotional pain and all I wanna do is curl up in a ball. So after having couple of antibiotics, I've managed to finish my financial aid app, and get a pencil draft of the taxes done. The research paper I have yet to write stands as the last merry-go-round pusher. As soon as my mock up exam sheets are written, I can move at my own speed again...slow. mindful.
I've been in a discernment process about another possible full-time job opportunity the past few days and...at the moment, it feels like taking a full-time job (in night) would be like getting on a permanent crazy round round. There is such richness on my road less traveled, this odd assortment of jobs: work, care giving to my elder, being everyone's handy-man, and a shellfisherman's sidekick when that time comes. I'm not totally decided though. There are pros and cons on either side. But, I have a paper to write....I'll think about the rest later.
Thanks for sharing your precious time here. Blessings to the ride, the road, the upcoming unfolding week...and to the discernment and decisions we all make about our lives, creating peace or adventure or both.
These days I am on a metaphorical crazy round round and I'm having that "let me off this thing" feeling. I'd rather be sitting with my feet dangling off and pushing myself ever so softly along, nice and slow. Instead, the deadlines stand alongside me, pushing me faster and faster, my eyeballs are beginning to knock together. Financial aid application + taxes, mock up exam sheets, and my appointments with doctor are all due in the early part of this week, and like a test of strength, I'm in an emotional pain and all I wanna do is curl up in a ball. So after having couple of antibiotics, I've managed to finish my financial aid app, and get a pencil draft of the taxes done. The research paper I have yet to write stands as the last merry-go-round pusher. As soon as my mock up exam sheets are written, I can move at my own speed again...slow. mindful.
I've been in a discernment process about another possible full-time job opportunity the past few days and...at the moment, it feels like taking a full-time job (in night) would be like getting on a permanent crazy round round. There is such richness on my road less traveled, this odd assortment of jobs: work, care giving to my elder, being everyone's handy-man, and a shellfisherman's sidekick when that time comes. I'm not totally decided though. There are pros and cons on either side. But, I have a paper to write....I'll think about the rest later.
Thanks for sharing your precious time here. Blessings to the ride, the road, the upcoming unfolding week...and to the discernment and decisions we all make about our lives, creating peace or adventure or both.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I am tired..

Im tired from all the idiot delieveries...
Im tired of all the drama going about...
Im tired of the boycotting in the family...
Im tired of the superficial people around me...
Im tired of the hypocrisy...
Im tired of all the responsibilities that i have to carry on my shoulders...
Im tired of all the lies i have to make...
Im tired of all the lies i have to endure...
Im tired of all the tears that shed everytime you walk by...
Im tired of the necessary indulgence i have over food...
Im tired of my binge spending till im broke...
Im tired of my constant cravings for happy life...
Im tired of going to doctors...
Im tired of being depressed atleast 2 times daily...
Im tired of my irritable bowel movement...
Im tired of making curry in the toilet...
Im tired of the unprocessed food that comes out with it...
Im tired of the boring tv shows on television...
Im tired of silly cats near my house....
Im tired of my childishness...
Im tired of being self-centered...
Im tired of the pain i have to go through every single day...
Im tired of living with hope that everything will be ok...
Im tired of living everyday having minimal financial support...
Im tired of being clumsy and bumps around...
Im tired of hurting myself unnecessarily...
Im tired of my black knees...
Im tired of my silly wedges...
Im tired of my wardrobe...
Im tired of my moronic laptop that is underrammed...
Im tired of all the hardworking folks around me...
Im tired of the intimidation...
Im tired of the pressure and stress...
Im tired of the nerdy lives around me...
Im tired of everything around me.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Hurry up please, it’s time...
Depression sneaks up, its stealth apparent only long after its origins.
And one day, though “This isn’t like me!” you’ll lament, nothing seems to have a point. Terminally blocked at work, certain to win more criticism than credit, as that’s just how people think. Relationships are only possible with baggage, primarily women more afraid their coupling WILL work than not, running whenever things look good. Work and chores pile up, far more to do than humanly possible, and it all just gets worse. And then one day, your doctor wonders if you need some pharmacological help.
“April is the cruelest month,” breeding lilacs and tulips out of the dead ground, mixing memory and desire. That "stony rubbish," bleak and desolate as it may be, took time to prepare. How did it happen? When did it start?
“Hurry up please, it’s time.”
And one day, though “This isn’t like me!” you’ll lament, nothing seems to have a point. Terminally blocked at work, certain to win more criticism than credit, as that’s just how people think. Relationships are only possible with baggage, primarily women more afraid their coupling WILL work than not, running whenever things look good. Work and chores pile up, far more to do than humanly possible, and it all just gets worse. And then one day, your doctor wonders if you need some pharmacological help.
“April is the cruelest month,” breeding lilacs and tulips out of the dead ground, mixing memory and desire. That "stony rubbish," bleak and desolate as it may be, took time to prepare. How did it happen? When did it start?
“Hurry up please, it’s time.”
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Relentless milkman up the stairs

He had thought the studio would keep itself;
no dust upon the furniture of love.
Half heresy, to wish the taps less vocal,
the panes relieved of grime.
A plate of pears, a piano with a Persian shawl, a cat
stalking the picturesque amusing mouse
had risen at his urging.
Not that at five each separate stair would writhe
under the milkman's tramp; that morning light
so coldly would delineate the scraps
of last night's cheese and three sepulchral bottles;
that on the kitchen shelf among the saucers
a pair of beetle-eyes would fix his own---
envoy from some village in the moldings . . .
Meanwhile, she, with a yawn,
sounded a dozen notes upon the keyboard,
declared it out of tune, shrugged at the mirror,
rubbed her neck, went out for cigarettes;
while he, jeered by the minor demons,
pulled back the sheets and made the bed and found
a towel to dust the table-top,
and let the coffee-pot boil over on the stove.
By evening he was back in love again,
though not so wholly but throughout the night
he woke sometimes to feel the daylight coming
like a relentless milkman up the stairs.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Yours is the Earth
Life has a lot of "choose this or that" options, and sometimes we don't get it right. When we don't know which option to choose, or we doubt that we'll make the wise and prudent choice, often we seek counsel of those wiser and more experienced than ourselves. I'm so thankful for the giants in my life who provide advice, (sought or not at times!) and while in the end the choices are mine to make and outworkings of decisions mine to live with, I've more of a blessed life due to the trusted people in it.
Couple of weeks ago though I read this poem, IF, by Rudyard Kipling. I've loved it ever since and in some ways have to admit it's been a bit of a compass point with how I handle situations - I'm not a man, but I am a human and seek to be a better one.
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Couple of weeks ago though I read this poem, IF, by Rudyard Kipling. I've loved it ever since and in some ways have to admit it's been a bit of a compass point with how I handle situations - I'm not a man, but I am a human and seek to be a better one.
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Fill In The Blank Saturday....
Its Saturday ??
1. My most prized possession is...this is a hard one because I'm a sentimental fool. But, really, my music is my most prized possession. That little piece of creativity feeds my creative soul.
2. If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be...26. Y'all my 26's were GREAT! I was happier than I have ever been, healthier than I have ever been, more content then I have ever been. Life was pretty dang good that time.
3. The best way to spend a weekend is...sleeping in, having a cup of coffee or two, lazing around the house until I decide to get dressed..just to spend the rest of the day outside in the sunshine reading a good book.
4. My outlook on life is...life is the decisions that you make. Bad things happen, good things happen, unexpected things happen...it's all about how you decide to handle things that make your life what it is.
5. If you want to annoy me, just...complain about how tough you have it...when I'm having to do the exact same thing.
6. I am completely defenseless when it comes to...shoes. I love them..but sometimes they don't love me back (i.e. the puma shoes I bought couple of months back blistered my feet after I wore them to walk till my office)
7. When dressing for the day one should...feel comfortable,look good, and add some personal flare.
8. Serve me espresso and i will be happy..
9. Interrogations ..i hate it..i never interrogate you..better dont interrogate me too
10. My priorities never change, i dont know about yours...
1. My most prized possession is...this is a hard one because I'm a sentimental fool. But, really, my music is my most prized possession. That little piece of creativity feeds my creative soul.
2. If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be...26. Y'all my 26's were GREAT! I was happier than I have ever been, healthier than I have ever been, more content then I have ever been. Life was pretty dang good that time.
3. The best way to spend a weekend is...sleeping in, having a cup of coffee or two, lazing around the house until I decide to get dressed..just to spend the rest of the day outside in the sunshine reading a good book.
4. My outlook on life is...life is the decisions that you make. Bad things happen, good things happen, unexpected things happen...it's all about how you decide to handle things that make your life what it is.
5. If you want to annoy me, just...complain about how tough you have it...when I'm having to do the exact same thing.
6. I am completely defenseless when it comes to...shoes. I love them..but sometimes they don't love me back (i.e. the puma shoes I bought couple of months back blistered my feet after I wore them to walk till my office)
7. When dressing for the day one should...feel comfortable,look good, and add some personal flare.
8. Serve me espresso and i will be happy..
9. Interrogations ..i hate it..i never interrogate you..better dont interrogate me too
10. My priorities never change, i dont know about yours...
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