But then, yours is a smartphone right? So why not just remotely log-in to your PC right from your phone? That's precisely what folks at LogMeIn help you to do with their upcoming LogMeIn software for the BlackBerry Storm. The software, still in its Alpha stages, will help you login to as many as 10 different computers, right from your Storm's touchscreen. You can access files and virtually perform all the tasks you can normally do on your PC - all within the confines of the phone screen. Just do not shut down the system!
The application supports both - Macs and PCs. All you need to be worried about is the fact that remote access is only possible when the target computer is "connected" to the Internet. That shouldn't be a major cause of concern we presume!
LogMeIn has been in the remote desktop scene since quite some time now and this is the first time the company has readied a tool for the BlackBerry Storm. The company already has a version available for the iPhone. You can learn more about the LogMeIn Ignition here.