What does God look for?
This is no preaching piece. I'm really wondering just what gets His eye and heart and attention.
Is it faithfulness and dependability?
Is it willingness to trust Him and take that step of faith? Well, in short, faith.
Is it fruitfulness, the ability to apply your talents and bear results?
Is it integrity, being faithful even when no one's looking?
Is it courage and standing firm in the face of attacks and danger to self?
Is it persistence when things aren't going how you expected?
Is it knowing God's word, what it reveals, what He's saying to you and your situation?
Is it being obedient?
Is it knowing God's heart and what matters to Him?
Or is it simple being yourself ? Because we are creation of God and whatever we have within us is created by God.
What would God do, goes the adage.
So what should we do?