That never ending love
That always-soothing touch
The bonding of two hearts
The amalgamation of souls
In supreme serenity
The promises made
Pain forbidden
Paradise in a single drop
The sweet caress
The lonely stares
Wanting someone to be there
Now will end
Broken dreams will stop
And reality will take place
No more time to hide
The true emotions
And though the words are small
There are many never spoken
But beautiful calling out
For something in return
For the right moment
Willing to die
For the one you love
But, how could love be so cruel
And yet so truthful?
One day it can be
What it has to be..Soon
Those memories, those never-before-seen pictures
They only exist for someone to remember
Don't let go, Whatever you do, don't let go
And the never ending love won't leave you
Hold on..
No matter how much it hurts
Because it's a hundred times more healing
When you get the prize
Ever hear them say
Live life to the fullest?
They mean..
Live and you will get the best reward
But live with love and get an even bigger one
You get the keepsakes
The passion
The faith
The adventure
All in one
The tears a huge puddle
That fall to the ground
Just like the rain
Yes, love never ends
If you gain the never ending love
And truth is, never ending
Defines unconditional
Never ending love
Continues past death
Before pain
And after..
In times of sunshine
Times of darkness
Times of laughter
But please don't hide
The true emotions
If you want a good reward
No matter how far the one you love is
They will always be a part of you
In your heart
So truly you're not alone
And if you feel your soul is shattered
You are not alone
The never ending love will guide you
Stop hiding
Say the words
All of them
No matter if they hurt
Or bring you down
If you really love what is already in you
Then don't stop
Keep loving
Never ending love
Never ends
And neither should yours
No matter what bonds
What boundaries
What obstacles
In the end it will turn out alright
If you keep the never ending love
That holds you with the one you love
More than any official bond
That is stronger than rope or threads
And length further than long
Don't ruin what isn't there
But continue the beautiful dreams
The wishes
The questions
The hopes
There is no such thing as goodbye
If you believe in never ending love
Also called everlasting
Don't keep away the feelings
Or fake regret
No matter how much time
Where you are
Dead or alive
There is no bond if you have never ending love
Hold on tightly to never ending love
Don't let go
On one side you are
The other hangs your love
Don't let go
No matter how much it hurts
Because never ending love
Is one of the strongest...words
And if you keep having never ending love
You will never lose hope
Even if all seems lost
You will not cry on the inside
But only on the out
And never ending love
Is true
Never ending love
Is deeper than just "I love you"
Never ending love
Is what we all have yet need
Never ending love
Never has greed
With never ending love
We can live out our dreams
So don't keep away your love
Nothing is what it seems
Do you know the saying
If you love someone you can let them go
If they come back they're yours to keep?
There is no such thing as that
If it is true love
Then they can never leave your heart
So in a way
You will always keep them with you
Never ending love
Truly does exist
Ask the incomplete lovers
Whom do they miss
Whom do they cry for
Whom do they long for
How they love them
How they care for them
How they survive
And miss them
If their love is true
Never ending love
Is not a tool
Many may fake never ending love
But one day you will realize
Who tells the truth,
And who hides their soul behind their eyes
Who steps back,
And who holds you tight
Never ending love
Is ultimately real
Is ultimately beautiful
Is ultimately awesome
Never ending love
It's the one thing can't hurt because it heals
( Thanks to my friend Kristi Hancock for allowing me to add my feeling in her original poem )