Thursday, February 3, 2011

Turning that frawn upside down

I can tell I need to sit down and think about things I'm thankful for tonight, because as I sit here at my computer staring at the screen in complete and total exhaustion (it was another 13 hour day today), all I can think about is how frustrated and burned out I am by my working habits this year. Underfunding, huge cuts, a class full of seriously high need (and seriously awesome, but seriously high need) kids, and an insane lack of support have all turned me into a frazzled ranting stress case. You may think I'm kidding, but those who see me regularly I'm sure will vouch for it.

So, as I'm trying to get into the habit of doing so anyway, here's a list of couple of things I'm grateful for - few of God's goodness to me from today.

1. I started my day with one of the sweetest and best voice of my life..i have only couple of sweet voiced loved ones :-). Its always awesome to hear my aai's voice in early morning :-) I love you aai.

2. I ran into an old friend on my way to office - someone I knew from my coffee shop job years ago. Every single one of his co-workers talked about what a lovely human being he was, and as I left, I realized just that little interaction made for a happy little kick start to my day.

3. I'm grateful for my black tea ! :)

4. It was a beautiful day today after a day of laziness yesterday. I'm grateful for ANY such day over here in February, and we got nearly a whole day of it!

5. I got a call from my mom today that my new room is ready to go and I can start using it as early as this year.

6. Today was my sitar class, so I had a bit of a breather in the middle of the day to get stuff done but at the end of the day, as usual i missed it :-|

7. I got a promise from someone that they are going to give their best :-)

8. There are some really great people at my office this year, and I really like them. I'm grateful for fun co-workers.

9. I love my new laptop with ubuntu! Finally I don't have a dinosaur slug of a beast! It's fast and it's cute and it's shiny! OoooOoOOoOOOoOOOooo!

10. And the most important part of my day holds the moment when i uploaded my new track on my blog. I am happy that i was able to finish off a half composition done by my beautiful angel Melly...Hey Melly !! Have you heard my arrangements on your composition ?? :-)

11. How can i forget the appreciation i got from my aai and monica for my new track. Hoooray ! that made me feel so special :-)

12.. I'm grateful for this list and how it's helped my grumbly, ranty self remember that I have been blessed throughout today.

13. I'm grateful for my bed.

Whenever I'm gonna go sleep on it..