Saturday, April 30, 2011

Self Healing..if you can do!

I've been over-riding that body wisdom again for awhile. Body says, take a break from the coffee. Brain says, COFFEEEEEE. Body says, run some miles so I can SWEAT. Brain says, stay right here curled up on the couch, there's homework to do. And 'round and 'round they go. So,
I'm writing about it as an act of intention, and putting it out there. I'm going to follow the body wisdom for awhile, put the over-ride function "to pasture" as my Grandfather would say, and get right inside. One of my friend has blazed the trail this week, inspiring me to do the same.I have a book on Ayurveda that I was reading last night to help my momentum of heeding the body's call. For a chuckle and a little inspiration, check yourself:

Suggestions for a creative, healthy life


Ayurveda - Awaken before sunrise
Me - when will i sleep then :-(

Ayurveda - Evacuate bowels and bladder after awakening
Me - Everyone do that so m i..i don't lay golden eggs out of it

Ayurveda - Bathe every day to create a sense of bodily freshness
Me - what do you think, i don't bathe at all ??

Ayurveda - Twelve pranayamas in the morning or evening create freshness of mind and body
Me - :-|

Ayurveda - Do not take breakfast after 8:00am
Me - then what shall i take after 8:00am ?

Ayurveda - Wash hands before and after eating
Me - Oh ! i never wash hands after eating, i nurture my hair with them

Ayurveda - Brush teeth after meals
Me - what is case of 15 small meals a day ?

Ayurveda - Fifteen minutes after meals take a short walk
Me - burrrrrp !

Ayurveda - Eat in silence with awareness of food.
Me - :-X

Ayurveda - Eat slowly.
Me - Ok! i will keep a stop watch next time.

Ayurveda - Each day massage the gums with the finger and sesame oil
Me - Chewing Gum will work ?

Ayurveda - Fast one day a week to help reduce toxins in the body
Me - I don't believe in starvation.

Ayurveda - Sleep before 10:00pm
Me - he he he he ! what a joke !

from Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad