Tuesday, March 8, 2011

That is my Journey

Overcome with apathy and melancholy, my life has given way to hallowed prospects and a curt view on the immediate future. You can lie to yourself, you can lie to others, but when those lies finally catch up, everyone is caught drowning in the vast ocean of disparity and disillusion.

A fine line between hopeful optimism and realistic pessimism. The line of logic you draw is not straight. It holds no form, no rhythm, no pattern, no rules, no limit, no threshold, no bottom. It is a representation of life - of you, of me. It's the open world, all set out before you in a tantalizing manner. Look, but do not take. To take, you must earn that right of ownership. It is only then that the world becomes yours.

In an ever-changing world, we are pitted against ourselves and others daily. A quasi-battle of "survival of the fittest"; but in reality, it is only looking out for yourself. You cannot expect to rely on others, and should not leave yourself to be guided by them. In the event they disappear, you are left stranded in the open without a recollection or clue of where you were going. What was my destination? What was my goal?

It is the point in which you start again. Move. Move. Move forward. Move backward. Move sideways. It doesn't really matter, as long as you're moving. That is hopeful optimism. A direction does not matter as long as you find happiness in that quest.

That is my trail right now. There may be precautionary lines guiding my peripheral vision for the time being, but it will not always exist. Soon my blinders will be taken off. Then it will be my turn - my next trial. When I approach that fork in the road, I will decide on which route suits me best.
... That is my journey.